until the darkness - Ana V. Fleming

Artist Statement:

     With an interest in speculative futures, plants, technology, and the nonhuman more broadly, Ana's work focuses on the question of what it means to contemplate and confront the possibility of a world-without-us. until the darkness serves as a visualization of such a posthuman, futuristic worldscape -- a world in which survival is precarious, ongoing; a world of clinging, growth, mutation, and encounter.

    Melding familiar referents from nature with imagined forms and dramatic colorscapes, these paintings and drawings depict a defamiliarized earth, a world of deep and necessary interconnection, a world that resists our ability to fully recognize it. 

until the darkness attempts to refocus our attention on the complexity of the nonhuman agencies all around us, both those that we recognize, and those that exceed our capacity to perceive. Depicting organisms in restless states of searching and evolution -- of continual connection, breakage, and reconfiguration -- until the darkness contemplates life and being on our planet, and the mysterious earthly futures where we might exist only as residues.

Shannon Cox